Achieve a weed-free lawn by 2024 with our comprehensive weed control Mebane
Achieve a weed-free lawn by 2024 with our comprehensive weed control Mebane
This is our preferred service to provide for our clients. It keeps the grass healthy, reduces the chance of pests, and prevents thatch buildup. Your lawn will also remain at the height that you desire.
After your weekly based price is established for your property, all other cut options will be priced as listed below.
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These services are priced in most cases at $63.00 per hour for labor
*This is $63 for each employee on site.
Example (2- Employees on your site for 1 hour ($126.00)
These services are priced in most cases at $63.00 per hour for labor
*This is $63 for each employee on site.
Example (2- Employees on your site for 1 hour ($126.00)
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What's in it for you besides saving lots of money on Fall leaf removal and Spring clean-up services?
If you continue your service through the winter months, we will do the following to keep your yard pristine all year long.
*First leaf removal will be at regular service price ($63 per worker an hour
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